Smirnoff Red 750ml
Smirnoff Vodka is triple distilled and exceptionally smooth. Ten Times filtered in a unique process for ultimate clarity. Enjoyed all over the world in cocktails and in mixed drinks.
Smirnoff red is a Russian vodka made using the traditional charcoal filtration method. It is triple distilled and exceptionally smooth, then ten times filtered in a unique process for ultimate clarity.
Smirnoff Red is crystal clear in appearance with a clean aroma of faint black pepper and charcoal. It has a subtle minerality on the palate with notes of cracked black pepper spice and a faint sensation of peppermint freshness. The finish is delicate with notes of black pepper spice with chargrilled peppers. It is enjoyed the world over on its own or as a base for most mixed drinks.
As of 2014, Smirnoff was one of the world’s best-selling vodka and among the top premium brands worldwide.
Smirnoff Red 750ml is available here.
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